: 11
: 75
: 479
: 2,323
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: 105,800
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: 1,089,833


Question : In the rainy months, the quick death disease( Phythopthora ) on pepper vine in our area often cause   very heavy damage. We have sprayed a lot of products but the disease did not reduce. Please let us know the way  of restricting this dangerous disease?
Nguyen Van Toan
and some of farmers in Binh Long (Binh Phuoc)

Answer : Disease of quick death  is the first serious disease on pepper vine in our country now, especially in the  rainy months (as you have observed).

If you want to restrict the severity of disease, you have to combine several measures in application uniformly and reasonably, in integrated pest management procedures for prevention is main, not wait until the pepper vine has sign of disease, it is too late to spray product
The following is some of main measures:

Do not  plant pepper vine on the low-lying land, poor drainage
To make border, to prevent water from bringing disease germs outside to pepper vine garden
The pepper vine garden must have a good drainage system
Before planting, we must completely gather the remnants of from the previous crop
We should use less infected varieties of pepper vine such as Lada Belantoeng, Vinh Linh ones Do not plant too thickly, regularly cut-off the diseased branches, the branch hidden by canopy is not able to give pepper… so that  the pepper vine garden always must be airy
We should strengthen with manure organic fertilizer ( additionally mixed with Trichoderma )and reduce chemical fertilizer. Besides, nitrogen and phosphorus. We need to strengthen potash, calcium and some other of trace elements
Avoid causing wound at the foot area of pepper vine in order to restrict disease fungus to penetrate into pepper vine
Use of product in treatment. As you know, currently there are many kinds of pesticides in the market, used to prevent or treat disease on pepper vine. However, as for quick death disease
by the experience of pepper vine planters in Cam My district (Dong Nai), Binh Long district (Binh Phuoc), if it is  well co-ordinated among three following products, will obtain very good result. They are Treppach bull 607SL,  Alpine 80WDG and Mexyl MZ 72WP.

Specific use as follows: in the rainy months, farmers use product once every 20 days

Firstly, farmers use Treppach bull 607SL to dilute with concentration of 0.1% (i.e 100 ml poroduct  diluted with 100 liters of water). After diluting, farmers water 2 liters of product solution on every m2  surrounding the foot of pepper vine (because of Treppach  bul 607SL being specific product to eliminate soil-borne germs so it gets high efficiency in killing fungus
Secondly, after watering Treppach bull 607 SL about 20 days, farmers spray Alpine 80WDG (dilute 30-40g of product / 16-litre –water tank ), then evenly-damply spray on canopy  

Thirdly, after spraying Alpine 80WDG about 20 days, farmers spray Mexyl MZ 72WP to dilute with a concentration of 0.2% (i.e 200g product diluted with 100 liters of water). After diluting, farmers  water 2 liters of product solution on every msurrounding the foot of pepper vine. Until 4, 5, 6 times… farmers turn back the beginning (as said above).

Additionally, to prevent or treat the disease thoroughly, after digging planting pit, for every mof planting pit, farmers also water 2 liters of Treppach bul 607SL in solution, dilute with 0.1% concentration
In order to have high efficiency of product, when spraying the soil must be damped so that the product can penetrate into area of the pepper vine roots ( where the disease fungus existing ), in such case the efficiency of product is high. If the soil is dry, it needs to be damped with water before spraying product. Good success to you
                                                                                                Nguyen Danh Van